Urology is a branch of medicine that focuses on the urinary tract — the part of the body that transports urine from the bladder to the kidneys. Urologists diagnose and treat conditions such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, erectile dysfunction, and other male sexual problems.

One of the most common ones among the elderly men is the prostate — the gland in males that produces fluid that becomes urine. Urologists also deal with such conditions such as diabetes, kidney disease, and high blood pressure.

Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)

BPH is a medical condition caused by enlargement of the prostate. It is the most common of all prostate disorders, affecting an estimated 50% of men over 50 years of age. BPH causes such symptoms as difficulty urinating, lower urinary tract infections, and other problems. This condition is also known as enlarged prostate syndrome. Benign prostatic hyperplasia is often treated with surgery and, in some cases, it is treated with medication. The most common med for BPH is finasteride.

Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are solid pieces of minerals that have formed in the kidneys. Kidney stones can form when minerals in the urine harden over time. They are most common in older men and often occur when urine collects in the narrow spaces in the kidneys and doesn’t flow out. They can cause pain, fever, and malaise, and can be difficult to treat without removing.

First, there are home remedies: drinking plenty of water and getting plenty of rest. Second, there are prescription medications:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin, or celecoxib;
  • Prescription medications such as Flomax or Dutasteride.

If you’re willing to save on your meds while dealing with kidney stones, pay special attention to numerous online pharmacies. They offer cheaper meds with bulk purchases and seasonal discounts. For instance, you can find cheaper, generic options of Flomax at Canadian pharmacy international service, such as Advance Canadian pharmacy.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men. It is a cancer that starts in the prostate — a gland in the male reproductive system. The prostate gland produces fluid that becomes part of the semen when a man ejaculates. The most common med treatments for prostate cancer are surgery (to remove the prostate) and radiation therapy.

Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a medical condition in which a person loses the ability to achieve and maintain an erection. It affects both men and women because it’s about emotional health of both partners.

Erectile dysfunction can be a side effect of a medication therapy. If you experience inability to get and maintain an erection, talk with your doctor about your health problems and how to manage them.

Read also: Erectile Disorders: What to Do?

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence (UI) is defined as the inability to control urine leakage, either temporarily or permanently. It is also sometimes known as the “urine leakage” or “urine incontinence” symptom.

Drugs that may help include anticholinergics such as darifenacin and solifenacin. They are sometimes used to treat UI if the condition is not being controlled by other treatments (for example, through the use of pads) or if the patient does not benefit from other medical treatments.

Urinary Tract Infections

Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in women and men and don’t usually cause any symptoms. However, sometimes UTIs can cause pain, fever, and other symptoms. If you experience these symptoms, see your doctor to determine the cause and how to treat it. Urinary tract infections are often treated with antibiotics.


Vasectomy is a procedure to remove the sperm ducts in the penis so that a man can’t father children. Vasectomy is one of the most commonly performed male procedures in the United States. Vasectomy is a safe procedure, with very few risks and almost no side effects.

Vasectomies are often performed as a medical procedure after a man experiences symptoms of impotence. Vasectomies are also performed on men who have other conditions that make it difficult for them to father a child, such as cancer or a severe disability. Vasectomies are considered a medical procedure and are not covered by most health insurance plans.

Male Infertility (ED)

Yes, male infertility is a medical condition. Male infertility starts when a man has trouble getting or keeping an erection. For some men, this is the first sign that they may have fertility issues. It is important to discuss fertility issues with a doctor to get a correct diagnosis.

Many types of medical treatments can help improve sperm counts and help sperm move better, so that they can fertilize an egg and result in a pregnancy. Many men with male infertility also have additional problems, such as a blockage in the tubes that carry sperm from the testicle to the penis, or an infection in the testicles.

Overactive Bladder

Overactive bladder (OAB) is a medical condition in which the bladder does not empty completely. The symptoms of OAB include having to go to the bathroom frequently, or needing to urinate even when the bladder is not full.

OAB can cause other medical conditions, such as urinary tract infections, which can also cause symptoms. It can be treated with medications, such as anticholinergics (darifenacin and solifenacin), which are sometimes used to treat OAB if the condition is not being controlled by other treatments.

Low Testosterone

The testicles produce testosterone, a hormone that plays an important role in the development of male sex organs, sperm production, and other functions. Testosterone levels can become low as a man ages.

Low-testosterone symptoms can include:

  • Decrease in sex drive;
  • Decreased energy;
  • Decrease in muscle mass.

Testosterone replacement therapy, also called hormone replacement therapy (HRT), can be used to treat low-testosterone symptoms.

Urology is an extremely important field of medicine. It is a branch of medicine that focuses on the urinary tract and the organs that lie within it. The urinary tract is the body’s system for removing waste products from the body. It consists of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and the tubes that connect the kidneys to the outside of the body.

Consulting an urologist is highly important if you have problems with your urinary tract. It can be anything from a simple cyst to a bladder. The urologist will be able to tell you if it is a cyst or a tumor and will consult you on what to do about it.

Pay respect to your health and never postpone it. A healthy man makes a healthy family. An urinary condition can cause a lot of problems in a family. These problems are not only physical but emotional.

We shared essential information, and now it’s up to you to take care of your health.